Please Do Not Disturb
This coastal area is a vital rest stop for migrating shorebirds

The South San Diego Bay Unit of San Diego Bay National Wildlife Refuge includes a system of salt ponds and levees that provide roosting, foraging, and nesting opportunities for tens of thousands of migratory birds including species that are threatened or endangered like the California least tern, Belding’s savannah sparrow, and the western snowy plover. You can help by sharing this area with migratory shorebirds.

When is bird nesting season? 
Nesting season occurs between March and September.

What happens when birds are disturbed? 
When people recreate too close to the nesting and resting sites, birds fly away resulting in reproductive loss from eggs breaking or not being properly incubated. Disturbance of these birds also reduces their feeding time, reduces rest time necessary after a long migration, and increase predation risk.

How can people avoid disturbing birds during nesting season?
When visiting the wildlife refuge, stay on the designated trails that are open to the public. Avoid entering the salt ponds and east portions of the Otay River channel that is closed to boat traffic, kite boards, kayaks, parasails, jet skis, paddleboards, and any other personal watercraft. 

Refuge boundaries are shown for the South San Diego Bay Unit of San Diego Bay National Wildlife Refuge. Designated trails are open for visitors to enjoy but please avoid entering the salt ponds, marsh, and the Otay River habitats that are closed to the public to provide a safe place for birds and other species to thrive. 

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Animal migration