Jerry Short resigned from Dale Hollow NFH after 8 years of dedicated service

Jerry Short, after 8 years of outstanding service at Dale Hollow, has completed his tour and moved on to a job serving veterans in Clay County. Jerry will be missed. Staff at the hatchery have performed the same core duties for over 20 years. Jerry is a biologist, mechanic, peacemaking leader, carpenter, scholar, janitor, teacher, and more.

Jerry is a retired air-force veteran and accepted a position as the Veterans Services Officer for Clay and Jackson County. He has always been trying to find ways to support veterans including many of the hatchery staff. We are sure his sense of fairness and accountability will help many people.

Jerry will be splitting his time between county Upper Cumberland Human Resources Agency (UCHRA) offices.

Jerry will always role at the hatchery and hopefully we can eventually talk him in to coming by sometimes to teach classes or do some other volunteer partnership projects.