Public Scoping Written Public Comments

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Public Scoping Written Public Comments

Written public comments submitted during public scoping for the Northeast Canyons and Seamounts Marine National Monument

Publication date
dandelion siphonophore floating in deep dark marine water
Welcome to the Northeast Canyons and Seamounts Marine National Monument! Nestled off the coast of southern New England, the Monument is a large biodiverse area of open ocean, larger than Yellowstone National Park, with magnificent geological formations that shape the underwater landscape and...
A bright blue sky obstructed by fluffy white clouds reflected off of a stream shot from inside a kayak
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service manages an unparalleled network of public lands and waters called the National Wildlife Refuge System. With more than 570 refuges spanning the country, this system protects iconic species and provides some of the best wildlife viewing opportunities on Earth.
FWS and DOI Region(s)